Leadership quotes: Questioning them

Socrate's quote

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates said that quote.

My only question is: how so? I mean, if it’s unexamined, then how will know it’s not worth living. What if there were riches beyond your wildest dreams, or fame and all your dreams come true. Of course, in the realm of possibilities, there must always be cons to it. The life could be full of pain and misery.

Now that I think about it, it’s not possible to live an examined life, because life is always changing, always becoming different. What’s in the past cannot be changed, and no one can truly read the future because the future is not written yet. We all come from different backgrounds, and we all learn different ways to deal with things. I myself have come to known that life always has at least one more trick to pull on you after you think it’s done its best or its worst.

Other’s must of realized this too, because if not, then where would we be today? I’m betting that some of our greatest thinkers took this saying and used it as a tool of motivation, to complete their great works. I am not the first to question this quote, others have come and gone, and some even today challenge it and examine it. For more info on Socrates and his quote, put “The unexamined life is not worth living” in a google search, or any other search engine.

"He who does not remember the past is condemned to repeat it." Santayana said this one, and it’s true. Just because we cannot change the past does not mean we cannot learn from it. If that were the case, then life, as we know it would still be stuck. Stuck when, we may never know. All that would be left; I’m not sure. What I do know is that the unexamined life can either be good or bad, depending on how things turn out.

Of course, I could be entirely wrong, but if I am, then only I shall be wrong, because this is what I think on this rather old quote. If I am not wrong, then maybe others will be able to look upon my work and see for themselves that there is more then what is before them. Whatever your view is, let it be known that all opinions count, even those that are wrong. If they are wrong, then look back and learn from them, just remember that you cannot change what has happened.


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